Here are seven mistakes that first-time production assistants should avoid making.
In the film industry, the typical entry point for newcomers is to find work as a production assistant. It might be challenging, but it also has the potential to take you far. The following are things that you should steer clear of at any cost:
Showing up late
The PAs are expected to be the first people on set, and they should be ready to get assistance (or breakfast) for whoever may require it. In addition, this is your opportunity to demonstrate that you are a diligent worker, and starting out on the wrong foot by sleeping through your alarm and falling behind throughout the entire workday will give the wrong impression. Nevertheless, mishaps sometimes occur; therefore, if you have a valid reason for being late and there is no way you can reasonably avoid it, then you should phone and let them know.
Disappearing on set
The ADs and the rest of the crew is dependent on your presence and assistance on set, therefore if you need to leave for a couple of minutes it is vitally necessary to mention it. Whether you need a smoke break or a quick dash to the lavatory, it is important to remember that they are counting on you. Just make sure that it is not a moment when you are required, and then indicate that you are going to take a little break on the walkie-talkie. Maintain constant access to the walkie-talkie and inform others at all times that you have received their messages.
Being a downer
Indeed, the work can be challenging and time-consuming at times. The majority of the time, you are required to work long hours, and the money is not precisely what you had hoped for. Complaining about it, however, will not make it any easier for you, nor will it place you in a favourable light. Everyone on set is putting in a lot of effort. It is imperative that you maintain a positive mentality and constantly do everything in your power to assist others if you want to be considered for other employment opportunities.
Having a negative attitude toward getting coffee
Whether you enjoy it or not, it is a required aspect of your profession. It is just another method to assist the staff, so try to do it with a cheery disposition if you are able to. You are not need to view it as something that is beneath you or as something that is disrespectful.
Posing an excessive number of inquiries
Remember that you are there to make the AD’s job easier, so before you question him or her about something that you can actually figure out on your own, give it some serious thought. Always make an effort to come across as someone who is capable of finding solutions to problems, rather than as someone who is insecure about each and every work.
Failing to pose a sufficient number of inquiries
You must keep in mind, however, that it is always preferable to err on the side of caution rather than regret: you do not want to be known as the person who caused the cameras to stop filming. It’s not your fault most of the time if you have no idea what you’re doing or how you should be doing it if you genuinely don’t know either of those things. It is not rude to ask for assistance, particularly if this is your first time working on a film set. Asking for assistance is another technique to develop professionally and advance one’s career.
Not networking
It is common knowledge that “who you know” is the most important factor in determining whether or not you will find work in the film industry. Because of this, you should not be bashful about making friends, demonstrating your value, and keeping in touch with the ADs and the rest of the crew. Naturally, you shouldn’t be the person who strives too hard to be praised; instead, you should simply be available when other people need you, even when you’re not working on the set.